  • iRewardChart Lite

    iRewardChart Lite

    7 2.0 2025-03-13

iRewardChart Lite: Parents Reward Tracker Behavior Chore chart

★★★★★ Winner of "Best Parenting App" two years in a row (2010, 2011), via BestAppEver.com ★★★★★

★★★★★ Featured under AppStore "Busy Parents" essentials ★★★★★

★★★★★ Featured on NBC-TodayShow, CNET's top5, AOL's (ParentDish) top10 parenting app, CNN-Money ★★★★★

iRewardChart makes it easy to reward your children for good behavior and keep them motivated.

1. Type their name,

2. Select a few tasks from our list of suggestions, and

3. Reward their accomplishments with a single tap in the weekly chart

(* The sync-ing between devices recently launched on iOS, coming to Android soon)


When stars have been earned, your child can pick from the default list of suggested rewards, or you can setup your own custom rewards especially tailored for each of your children, like "$2 Pocket Money" or "One Hour Of TV".

Children love to feel responsible, challenged and respected. But most children don't like being told what to do... iRewardChart also allows you to set up abstract goals like "Patience" and "Sharing With Others", so rewards teach the virtues you want your child to learn.


➔ NBC-TodayShow: "Products that help morning routines..."

➔ CNET: "Five must-have iPhone apps for parents"

➔ CNNMoney: "Best apps for managing your money - help kids link money to jobs well done."

➔ USAToday: "Got parenting challenges? There is an app for that."

➔ TechCrunch.com: "iRewardChart Gets Your Kids To Shoot For The Stars... And Behave"


iRewardChart includes a backup and sync service, so that parents and children can share their chart across the devices. Our sync services is FREE to use, and uses Dropbox, which is also free.

"iRewardChart Lite" is a full featured free version with only the following limitations:

- It supports a maximum of one child.

- It supports a maximum of four tasks per week


Your comments, suggestions are most welcome. If there is an issue, please send us an email at [email protected] (than leaving us a bad review, in which case, we cannot reach you to resolve your problem)

What's New in the Latest Version 2.0

Last updated on Sep 7, 2015 - Android Lollipop update
- Customer service integration with ability of submitting a bug report from the app itself.

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